Good morning, may we help you, is how we start our day,

"You won't kill them?" are the first words you say.


They're female, mostly female, nine in this litter,

I gritted my teeth, trying not to sound bitter.


You bring LIFE to us and briskly come in

The novelty now faded along with your whim.


You smile as you offer what to you seems a present,

We smile right back and try to be pleasant.


Your gift is the third since our office just opened,

We're your last resort - buy you were just hoping.


For a miracle - nine people to rush in

And choose each pup for a friend.


Our heart has grown heavy - our soul quite sad

You thought we would thank you and surely be glad.


Glad to relieve your careless mistake,

To appear in six months for another retake?


We're a shelter, a place for unwanted animals,

Where everyone loses when so many gamble.


Humane workers are desperate, weary, forlorn

Concerned for those that should not have been born.


This is not what we wanted to be

Please understand - don't you see? Won't you see?


You have made us a slaughterhouse of goodwill,

You must pause  - consider what we feel.


The hurt that's inside because we do care

About those nine pups you have over there.


Bouncy cuddly, cute - so much more

But you only shrug as you walk out the door.


 You left them for us to make the decision

Which ones will die or go right on living.


Only one out of ten will be given a home

And for how long a time will she belong


To a family who chooses, for whatever reason,

To return her to use when she is in season


History repeats, for she will have been bred

She trembles it seems with fear and with dread


The face of each worker can plainly be read

Because they know she soon will be dead.


We fee that we love her more than you

There are so many what else can we do?


You point the finger and say, "Oh, the shame,

You put them to sleep, you are to blame."


Little do you realize how we try not to hate you

And strive with much effort to education you.


You didn't stay 'til the end to see us weep

When we had to take them and put them "to sleep'"


Euthanasia - a kind death, by definition

Less birth would be kinds, in our declaration


But you go on in your merry ole way,

Forgetting too soon and without much delay.


That the cause of the problem - YOU are the SOURCE,

You just won't admit if, of course


We give our best for the animals and for your

Although the thank-yous are sparse and quite few.


Love and concern carry us through every day

We need your help!  THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY.


Copyright 1979 by barbara smith